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Final Fat Tuesday

Here we are, the last Tuesday of the month. At the beginning of May, I committed to making an effort this month, along with Taylor over at The Lumberjack's Wife, to get more fit. It was quite the convenient coincidence that she decided to do her Fat Tuesday series at that time. Just a couple of days before, I had finally hit that point...that point where I saw myself not just as I look right now, but in light of the trajectory of my body, and my attitude. The path? Was not a good one. 

I'm speaking of a literal looking, too. I might not ever forget that moment when I saw my image in the mirror. I was kind of surprised. I think it might have been two days later when I quit drinking soda and started the exercise video. I talked with Mike last night a little about this journey; I told him that there had definitely been the motivation to make changes based on what boils down to vanity. I didn't look like the "me" I had known. However, I also need to remember that I'm not the "me" I have known...I'm halfway to 38 and I'll likely not have those legs and tummy I had at 24. What has become increasingly important, though, is the fitness aspect; I feel better physically and mentally/emotionally than I have in a long time. And it feels very good to accomplish something that I did not think I could do. I didn't think I could be a runner. I still wouldn't say that what I do is running. But, it's more like jogging than it was when I started! I think I went about 2 miles the other day; today my jog was shorter, but I went at a bad time and it was just so hot that I had to head home after a shorter loop. I have come to enjoy it, though, even through the discomfort, because it feels so great once I'm back home and I can say,"I did that!" 

I did the full 30 days of The 30 Day Shred. I am glad that I did it; I am definitely stronger. I believe that the combination of the video and the walking/jogging, though, is what made my month successful as far as weight loss. Of course, I will never know, since I didn't just do the video...but my thought is that if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. I still have some work to do, but I'm happy with where I am at this point. Last night, according to my scale, I weighed 9 pounds less than I did at my last doctor's appointment. However, I double checked on our Wii fit program (which I had gotten on a couple of months ago and had recorded my weight) and it said that I had lost 6.4 pounds since the last time I was on it. I told Mike the info from the Wii and he said,"That's great!" I laughed and said,"Yeah, but I liked it better when it was 9 pounds!" 

One of the best moments for me was when I got dressed on Sunday. I put on some slacks that I had bought when I couldn't wear my regular pants anymore. The last time I wore them, however, they were way too tight, and obviously so. This time, they were clearly looser. They fit like they were supposed to, and didn't stretch across my bottom and look like they were giving me a wedgie, or jut out where the pockets are on the hips in that funky know what I'm talking about, right? So, that was great. 

I'm going to continue on this new path. The present trajectory is much more appealing than the previous one, I do believe. Thank you, Taylor for inspiring me and others this month. It is so helpful to have accountability! (How about stating the obvious?!) And thank you for leaving encouraging comments! It's been a fun month after all!


Reader Comments (4)

Hooray!!! I am SO proud of you, really! Keeping trying myself! I don't weigh and haven't been walking in addition, but i know the exercises are easier than when I started so I hope I am getting stronger! How can your knees handle the jogging? I haven't ever thought i could do it for that reason...I know yours aren't great...
Love you!

May 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJess

Good for you! Keep it up-I will, too ! :)

I, for one, would love to keep hearing from you on Tuesdays. You're journey is having such happy results I like to read about it.

May 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMindee@ourfrontdoor

Fantastic! Keep up the good work!

May 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterElaine

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